Florida is well known as the “sunshine state” because of its warm weather that attracts millions of tourists throughout the year. However, this climatic condition has a great benefit that many people have not heard of or do not make use of: solar incentive programs.
The solar incentive programs are financial mechanisms created by the Florida government that have two main objectives: to promote the use of residential solar energy and to reduce the payment of electric utility bills.
This measure has had its results, as the use of solar energy in residential areas has increased in recent years. This has made the state of Florida the third state in the nation in the use of renewable energies, mainly those related to the installation of solar panels.
They have different modalities such as low-interest rate loans, financing or tax exemptions for all those who wish to install residential solar panels.
In other words, besides being part of an action that benefits the planet, you can obtain monetary benefits by reducing the cost of your electricity bills.
What are these solar incentive programs?
– Net metering program: get credits or payments for generating extra energy from your panels and exporting it to the local electricity grid.
– Tax exemption: the purchase and installation of solar equipment is tax-free in the state of Florida.
– Local incentives: receive public financing with low interest rates when installing renewable energy.
– Federal tax credit: this credit covers 26% of the value of the installation and reduces the cost of your income tax payment.
You should consider that the use of these programs will depend on the conditions under which you are going to invest in solar energy.
Are these programs available in Orlando?
Yes, as it is a state policy it benefits all towns and counties in the state of Florida. That is why the state ranks third in solar energy use in the country.
However, there are several incentive plans for both homes and businesses depending on where you live.
Where can I get information about the programs and solar products?
You may have doubts about whether installing solar panels is the best option for your pocket. Surely you have heard of cases of people who have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and have not seen a return on their investment.
Our recommendation is to use expert solar contractors. They will help you design your solar energy investment project and make it viable to qualify for the incentive programs offered by the regional government. This way you avoid improvising and you don’t waste your time and money.
At Joe Does Solar we can offer you advice and the installation of residential solar panels. We have years of experience and have helped hundreds of people to qualify for solar incentive programs.
We are also regional consultants for Orlando solar companies such as Sunbility Solar and Titan Solar Power.
Dare to turn alternative energy into financial freedom.
If you are interested in installing residential solar panels, Joe Does Solar is your trusted solar contractor. Email us at ([email protected]) or call us at (321-947-5208), get a free consultation and convert your solar installation to a solar program.
Orlando FL 32825