How upgrading your water heater can save you thousands on your Solar Project
Greetings friends! This entry is a complement to my last one “Getting the most out of your solar project”. I will focus specifically on the water heater here. Have you ever looked at the yellow energy sicker on your water heater? You likely have, many times. But do you know what it means? Yep, it’s a real…

How to get the most out of your solar project
There are a lot of solar companies out there today. But the majority of them conduct business with the same business model. And their business model isn’t necessarily the best solution for your problem. Today, I’m going to introduce you to a mathematical equation. C = P. The C stands for consumption. The P, for production. Most homeowner’s goal…

Pros and Cons of Residential Solar Panel Systems
As a homeowner in Florida, you may be considering a solar installation. You don’t have to go it alone. As an experienced solar consultant, I am frequently asked to disclose the downside(s) of going solar. As a retired fraud examiner and the owner of a business built on honesty, integrity and transparency, it is important to…

Solar Panel Installation Explained
This entry is to address the many questions I often get about solar panel installations, as well as the solar panels themselves, which is something that most new customers don’t usually have a firm grasp of yet. So, let’s start with the solar panels. There are two primary classes of solar panels-Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline. Both…
Is Solar Energy Right for You?
If your best friend was in the solar business, what would they tell you? Over time I’ve been a solar consultant, I’ve noticed that most prospective customers are guarded, hesitant, and wary—and for good reason. Too often, there are “sales tactics” and “sales objectives” at play that get in the way of providing the customer…
SOLAR 101: What Are The Basics of Solar Energy?
If you’ve ever Googled “solar energy” and felt the frustration of not being able to get a simple, concise explanation of what exactly it is (and isn’t) all about, then please, keep reading. This is what you’ve been trying to find while being bombarded with advertisements and misleading claims or the “I’m just a telemarketer…